Callicoma Coconut Ice (retired)

Born: 02-03-2017
Import Australia

Mother: Elbrylach Cinnamon
Callicoma Choc Eclair x Callicoma Maher
Father: Callicoma Liquorice
Callicoma Trump Card x Mountainmist Mandingo

Colour: black

Heart and eyes scan: no abnormalities till july 2024.
Unfortunately, cataracts were diagnosed in the left eye in July 2024.
Back scan: ok (SP0, IDD0, VA0, LTV0)
ED 0/0

Co is a gentle,affectionate male dog. He likes to “please” you. Furthermore, he is sensitive. If he experiences pressure, he shuts down.
He is fast and likes to be busy but inside he is also quiet. Co is a dog with an “on and off button”. He does not need excessive exercise and is fairly calm.
He does not like conflicts and will not look for them directly, but when challenged he does not shy away from them either.
Furthermore, Co is a typical show kelpie.
We actually do all kinds of things with him but nothing excessive. He likes agility (recreational) and detection.

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