Born: 25-05-2010 (Czech Republic)
Full name:
Allunga Dai Muratori
Mother: Britney Z lhotecke linie
Royal Cocktail Jumper Black x Braya Xapatan
Father: Rostaggens Gideon
Evallens Red&Tan Oongarra x Rostaggens Clara
Colour: Red&Tan
MDR1 gene mutation:free
Eyes and heart examined several times and free of hereditary diseases.
.Allunga is a very sweet, calm kelpie. Fond of children. Pleasant company. Allunga is also quite controlled.
In her younger years, she was quite jealous and had regular clashes with bitches within the pack. With dogs outside the pack it never caused any problems and still doesn’t.
She loves being with you and doses her energy. Allunga therefore often joins us on walks and holidays.