Femke Caobrink

Born: 06-05-2018

Mother: Boukje Kelpiebrink
Maeglin Gijste x Ravel Kelpiebrink
Father: Attack Black Mount McKinkey
Royal coctail Jumper Black x Ajajajz Karlstejnskych Pastvin

Colour: black

ED 0/0

Eyes and Heart examined several times and free of hereditary diseases.
Back (IDD,LTV,SP,VA) free

Femke is an excitement-sensitive dog who has long been the “underdog” of the pack at home. As a result, she has a tendency to show snapping behaviour towards other dogs and has regularly had to bear the consequences.
At home, she is the sweetest dog we have. She is affectionate and very tolerant. She is also one of the most intelligent and fastest dogs we have and she is loyal. Everything she does,she does with more than 100% commitment.
When we take her out on her own, she is a great buddy to take with us who loves to work with you and for you and actually does everything for you.
We are training her for agility although we have no ambitions of rising to great heights. After all, we don’t have to prove ourselves anymore :).
Femke has several offspring.

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